First Report of Strains Related to the Phytoplasma Associated with Tanzanian Lethal Decline on Cocos nucifera on the Western Coast of Madagascar

Pilet F., Rakotoarisoa E., Rakotomalala M., Sisteron S., Razakamanana H.N., Rabemiafara L. 2021.First Report of Strains Related to the Phytoplasma Associated with Tanzanian Lethal Decline on Cocos nucifera on the Western Coast of Madagascar. Plant Disease.

Extrait de l'article

Madagascar is a high-diversity hotspot in the world, and palms are highly represented with nearly 200 endemic species (Rakotoarinivo et al. 2014). Coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) could have been introduced in Madagascar by Austronesians around CE 400 or 700 (Beaujard 2011). Sporadic coconut trees showing very severe wilt were observed in 2016 in three localities of the western and northern coast of the island: Katsepy (sample MG16-001), Antsohyhi (MG16-004 and MG16-005), and Ambaritsatrana (MG16-010). Symptoms correspond to a severe ascendant wilt of the leaves, associated with necrosis of the inflorescences and absence of nuts, and death of all trees was confirmed eventually....Lire la suite

Publiée : 14/01/2022